Our Classes and Events

Friday Acro Jam
Join us at the Ki Centre for your Friday fix of acro fun and training.
This is not a taught class but an opportunity for anyone to come and play and explore, share and socialise.
We do recommend you to have taken at least one acro class before coming to ensure a safe practise for everyone.
Standing Acrobatics with Verena
Dates: Friday 3rd April & Saturday 4th April 2020
Location: Brighton Ki Center & Stanley Deason Leisure Centre
Included: Standing Acrobatics, dynamic throws, and high lifts.
Investment: £75
Verena Lanena and Aantara Acrobatics have teamed up to bring you a weekend of fun.
Verena is is one of Europes top acrobats, mainly specialised in H2H Acrobatics and Standing Acro. She will be giving 3 open level workshops so everybody is welcome. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from her amazing experience.
Workshop 1 Friday 6-9 Icarian Games and 1-2-1 coaching
All Levels Welcome
The session will introduce you to Icarian Games where flyers are being tossed in the air. We’ll go step by step, keep it safe, technical and focus on what’s important. If you are already familiar with Icarian, Verena can give you a challenge.
There will also be one hour of guided free training where you can get advice on any topic (not just Icarian).
Workshop 2 Saturday 12:30-2:30 Icarian Flying Fun
Let’s start the day with some fun. We’re going to use different techniques to give the flyers some airtime, like thigh throws, double pitching, Banquine etc which anyone can base. The weight will be distributed between different bases. So even if you have literally no experience with dynamics don’t worry, we will go step by step and keep it it accessible for everyone.
We may also add some easier entries into common Duo tricks.
Workshop 3 Saturday 3:30-5:30pm Standing Acrobatics (H2H and Podczeska)
The Workshop will focus on various skills that you will need in Standing Acrobatics. No matter if you’re already working on H2H or just learning it, in this Workshop we will work on H2H grip, base position and the ominous “rolling” that the flyer has to do in order to succeed with tricks like podsechka etc. We’ll see where your issues lie and fix it. But this workshop will not exclusively focus on H2H but also on other tricks that are valuable to progress in your Acro game.
All 3 Workshops £75
2 Workshops £60
1 Workshop £30
Sam on Hands – 2 day handstand workshop
Dates: Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th April 2020
Location: Evolution Arts, Sillwood Terrace, Brighton
Investment: £60 for both sessions / £35 for one
Sam on hands has been practising handstands for years, his passion began with gymnastics training. After uni graduation, he attended workshops, conventions and retreats on handstands, partner acrobatics and self-development.
Whether you are still struggling against the wall or working on one arm balancing, 6 hours coaching with this expert balancer will help you improve your practice.
Here’s a list of local Brighton acroyoga and partner acrobatics classes and other international events we’ll be attending. Come and dip your toe in the water and play.